The Color Attribute

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The color attribute for the <FONT COLOR> tag sets the color of the enclosed text. The value of the attribute may be expressed in either of two ways: as the red, green, and blue (RGB) components for the desired color or as a standard color name. Enclosing quotes are recommended, but not required.

Color Values

The RGB color value, denoted by a preceding pound sign, is a six-digit hexadecimal number. The first two digits correspond to the red component of the color, from 00 (no red) to FF (bright red), the next two digits are the green component and the last two digits are the blue component. A value of 00 corresponds to the component being completely on. Thus, bright red is #FF0000, bright green is #00FF00, and bright blue is #0000FF. Other primary colors are mixtures of two components, such as yellow #FFFF00, magenta #FF00FF, and cyan #00FFFF. Black is the absence of color, #000000; White is all colors, #FFFFFF.

For example, to create basic YELLOW text:

    basic<font color="#FFFF00">yellow</font> text
    basic<font color=yellow>yellow </font> text

Color Names

The color names and RGB values defined in the HTML standard are:

    aqua #00FFFF gray #808080 navy #000080 silver #C0C0C0
    black #000000 green #008000 olive #808000 teal #008080
    blue #0000FF lime #00FF00 purple #800080 yellow #FFFF00
    fuchsia #FF00FF maroon #800000 red #FF0000 white #FFFFFF

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