HTML Workshop

BLHteacher | Resources | HTML Workshop

HTML Supports 3 Kinds of Lists.
Numbered List, or Ordered List
syntax: <ol> <li>
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
<li>the first list item</li>

<li>the second list item</li>

<li>the third list item</li>

Bulleted List, or Unordered List

syntax: <ul> <li>
  • A
  • B
  • C
<li>the first list item</li>

<li>the second list item</li>

<li>the third list item</li>
Unordered List with an Open Circle
syntax: <ul> <LI TYPE=CIRCLE>
  • A
  • B
  • C
Unordered List with an Open Square
syntax: <ul> <LI TYPE=SQUARE>
  • A
  • B
  • C
Definition List This allows you to list terms and their definitions. This kind of list starts with a <dl> tag and ends with </dl> Each term starts with a <dt> tag and each definition starts with a <dd>.
syntax: <dl> <dt> <dd>

<dt>the first term</dt>
<dd>its definition</dd>

<dt>the second term</dt>
<dd>its definition</dd>

<dt>the third term</dt>
<dd>its definition</dd>


  • Note that you always need to end your lists with a closed tag </ul> or </ol>. The </li> is optional and can be left off.